Meet our 777 marathon national team!

Below was our 2024 777 Marathon National Team. Keep an eye on this page for updates on the 2025 National Team coming soon!

Branka Indic

My name is Branka and this is my fourth year running 777 Marathon and supporting Bravehearts in their mission to empower, educate and protect our children. 

I am very committed and passionate about protecting and safeguarding all children and very lucky to be working for the organisation that has the same values, Busy Bees Early Learning Australia. It makes me SUPER privileged and proud to be able to represent all of Busy Bees Services across Australia at 777 Marathon 2025 and show our commitment to Child Protection and Safeguarding.  
Child sexual abuse is a crime that affects all races, economic classes and cultural groups. 1 in 4 Australians have experienced child sexual abuse.

Child sexual abuse is a preventable crime that requires holistic approach from all involved: businesses, communities, systems and individuals. 

As an individual, am doing my part to assist in prevention of this terrible crime by bringing awareness to the issue and running 7 marathons in 7 states over 7 consecutive days. My goal is to raise $11,000 for Bravehearts so that they can continue to empower and protect Australian children. 

Please help me and donate to my fundraiser to meet my target and make Australia the safest place to raise a child, together we can do it!  

Brian Upton

Brian Upton, 73yrs of age and affectionately known by friends as Uppy Snr or by family and grandchildren as Poppy.

Married for 52yrs  to Robyn with 3 Adult children and 5 awesome grandchildren.

Living on the Gold Coast since 1988, spent 35yrs in hospitality mainly in Victoria as General Manager from the age of 24. Then on the Gold Coast as General Manager at the original Fisherman’s Wharf complex.

Competed in the very first Coolangatta Gold in 1984,and competing in Triathlons from the same year  in all distances. 

Qualified and competed in many World Championship events including Olympic distance World Championships  as well as the World Ironman Triathlon championships event in Kona Hawaii.

Cancer survivor 5 yrs ago (Prostate) removed then 6 months Chemo and 34 days Radiation

Participating in our 3rd year as a Father / son team with Mark Upton gives us the opportunity to continue to educate people about the protection and support Bravehearts provide.

Our goal this year is to raise $50,000 for Bravehearts as Team Uppy and continue to spread the importance and awareness of protecting all children from sexual abuse.

A world where people, communities and systems work together for the one purpose.

Our  commitment to advocating for the most vulnerable in society. A cause that seeks to making each step a step towards a safer future for all children around Australia. 

Donate directly to our Bravehearts link to support our cause and help us achieve our target of $50,000. 

Colin Noble

My name is Colin Noble, 38 yrs old, father to three incredibly beautiful children in Poppy, Henry and Lennon and husband of 6 years to the amazing Jess.

Originally from the Lake District in the UK, I have been in Australia since 2011.


This year I’m taking part in the Bravehearts 777 Marathon, running 7 marathons, in 7 states, over 7 consecutive days.

Australia’s mightiest marathon to protect kids!!!

Bravehearts is a child protection organisation dedicated to the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse. There are many who are among us who have suffered in silence. 
1 in 4 Australians have experienced child sexual abuse.


I first learned about the Bravehearts 777 marathon and Bravehearts through meeting some national runners on a fitness holiday in NSW.  I followed the 2023 team incredibly closely and met them at the start line before the Gold Coast Marathon. That was when I knew that one day I would be with this team so I asked myself, ‘Why wait?’.


After the inspiring conversations with the national runners I decided that the Bravehearts 777 Marathon taking place from July 1-7 2024 is achievable. I have set myself a target to raise $15,000 to support this amazing charity and I’d love your help.

Awareness and Fundraising events aren’t new to me, having previously raising money for wounded service armed forces, veterans of armed forces and the families impacted, Great North Air Ambulance, Ronald McDonald House, Beyond Blue, Odyssey House Drug and alcohol rehabilitation amongst many others through mountain climbs, marathons and fun runs. Totalling $30,000.


Working with the dedicated Bravehearts team to prevent and support those affected by child sex abuse is an absolute honour and I feel privileged to be able to help drive awareness and raise funds to support. 


My mission when running a few kilometres across the country and raising funds, is to help people understand that there is professional help and avenues of support out there for those impacted by child sexual abuse.  This amazing charity is one we all hope no one ever needs but also hope is there for those who do need it.  This thought alone should be enough for anyone to support this amazing cause.


Help me reach my target by donating and be proud to say that you too have helped protect Australian children from child sexual abuse.


Curtis Cooper

I started running long distance in 2017 after my son was born. I now have 15 marathons under my belt.

After hearing about the Bravehearts 777, I could not resist the opportunity to challenge myself while raising funds for the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse. Little did I know that the bonds I would form in my first 777 (2024) would be ones that will last a lifetime and continue to inspire and motivate me every day. The on track and off track teams are some of the most courageous and caring people you could hope to meet and I feel privileged to be able to call myself a part of their team.

My hope now is that I can not only show my son that there is nothing you cannot achieve in life if you’re willing to put in the work, but raise much needed funds and awareness for the incredible symbol of hope and care that is Bravehearts. I’ve even talked my wife Claire into joining me this year!

Let’s get it :)

David Fechner


My name is David, I am 33 years old and live in Brisbane. I grew up in the most loving family in a small country town in Germany. More than 20 years ago, I was sexually harassed by a man who was supposed to be my mentor. When I told my friends about it, they shared that they also were harassed by the same man. We all laughed about it and thought it was normal because it happened to all of us.

One year later at a warm summer night, I told my mum what happened. The next morning, my dad reported the man to the police. My parents asked me if I wanted to make a statement at the police. I do not remember saying it but my mum told me the other day that I wanted to make a statement because I didn’t want any other children to experience what I and my teammates went through. Even though I made a statement, the man was never convicted, leaving me with the feeling that he did not do anything wrong.

Today, after many therapy sessions, I am starting to understand how this childhood experience impacted my life. I am very fortunate and grateful for being supported by my partner, my family and friends throughout my healing journey. I am the perfect example that child sexual abuse/harassment is a problem that knows no physical, financial, socioeconomic, geographic, cultural or gender boundaries.

I will run the Bravehearts' 777 Marathons to speak up about child sexual abuse for those that can’t and raise funds for Bravehearts’ essential personal safety programs for young children, and counselling services for children and families affected by child sexual abuse.

What is Bravehearts' 777 Marathons?

I will run 7 marathons (42km) in 7 states in 7 consecutive days, starting in Perth on 30 June and finishing on the Gold Coast on 6 July 2025.

Please donate to help me reach my fundraising goal of $11,000, every dollar makes a difference.

Please contact me for jersey and other sponsorship opportunities or if you have any questions at

Glenn Edmonds
New South Wales

My name is Glenn, I am excited and honoured to be taking on the challenge of running the Bravehearts 777 Marathons in 2025.

I am 53 years old and reside in Bega on the far south coast of New South Wales. I am a sales representative giving me the opportunity to travel daily throughout the picturesque region. I am also involved with our local running club, Sapphire Coast Runners and volunteer two afternoons per week coaching children and passing on the joy of running and movement. 

Although I have been a runner for most of my life, this is the first time that I have set myself a goal of this magnitide. I am looking forward to challenging myself both physically and by fundraising with the sole aim to raise further awareness for the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, I would be grateful to anyone who is able to assist me in reaching my fundraising target by donating today.

Jason Quigley
New South Wales

I am NSW Police Detective, being employed by the NSW Police for 15.5 years. I am married, my wife too is a Police Officer. I am the father of two young boys who are seven and five, they are my existence, and the reason I get out of bed every morning.  

I am a dedicated runner, running daily, averaging over 600 kilometres a month. I have been running these distances over the last 12 months, during which time I have completed several marathons and last year finished my first ultra-marathon a 63-kilometre event held in Kangaroo Valley. 

After being part of the Bravehearts’ 777 Marathon National team for 2024, it was an easy decision to be part of this amazing charity and event for 2025. In fact, I knew it was ESSENTIAL to go around again! The experience was humbling and life changing, the relationships formed will be lifelong. 

With 9 months until the event, I have begun training for such and intend on increasing my fitness between now and June 2025 to enable me to complete this challenging task for the second time.     

The Braveheart’s Charity and associated 777 Marathon, is a charity event that I strongly believe in. I feel the work they do is invaluable, immensely important, and somewhat relentless in nature. I honestly and strongly believe this as, sexual abuse in children is a ‘Silent Crime’ in which the vulnerable child victims, are targeted and preyed upon, often by persons known to them and their respective families. Charities like Bravehearts’ help in the education and awareness of such, assisting victims and their families to identify and report the matters to Police, in turn bringing the offenders to justice. Police rely on services such as Bravehearts’, most times unknowingly as without their existence such complex crimes may go unreported and/or undetected.  

Throughout my career I have been involved in several investigations relating to child sexual abuse and have placed offenders before the Courts for such matters. I personally know of individuals and families that have been directly affected by child sexual abuse; as such, the Braveheart’s charity is one close to my heart.  

I know the 7 marathons is tough both physically and mentally, this a mere snapshot of the pain/anguish that victims and families of such a heinous crime experience. I see the opportunity to raise money and awareness for this great cause is something I need to do, again it is ESSENTIAL. 

Lastly, I feel it is a great example to set for my boys, showing them, you can complete any task you set your mind to!

Jess Peil
Australian Capital Territory

I'm taking part in Australia's mightiest ultra-marathon challenge - Bravehearts' 777 Marathon, This means I will run 7 Marathons in 7 States in 7 Days to raise funds and awareness for the prevention of child sexual abuse. 

This will be my seventh consecutive year running marathons for Bravehearts during the 777 week. To date I have raised over $160,000 and would love to top over the $200,000 goal in 2024. I will continue to raise both funds and awareness for this much needed work as it is a passion of mine and keeping kids safe from sexual abuse, is my life's purpose.

Please help me meet my fundraising goal by donating online today.'

John Wilson
Australian Capital Territory

My name is John Wilson, 46 years old father to 3 boys.

I started running about 9 years ago with my first major event being the Canberra 100km. This was probably not the best one to start with being 100kms! But I finished it, and I was hooked! I first signed up for the Bravehearts 777 Marathon in 2020, which was unfortunately then cancelled. I had already trained extremely hard and had raised over $16,000, so I decided to still run the 7 marathons in Canberra. We mapped out the 7 routes to incorporate the roads to match the states we should have been running in each day. It was a fantastic week! The support I received was truly amazing.

I couldn’t wait to then sign up again for 2022 and then 2023 and run the event the way it was designed to be completed. It was a challenging week but I have signed up again for 2024 and am well into my fundraising and training to make this my best year yet!

I have committed to raise $11 000 for this great and much needed charity.


Kaitlin Primrose
Australian Capital Territory

My name is Kait Primrose.  

I am 26 years old; my favourite colour is pink, and I used to absolutely HATE running.

I participated in this event in 2021 and it did exactly what the event is designed to do- it almost broke me. Whilst I received so much support from family, friends and a whole heap of strangers who I am forever grateful for, it challenged me in so many ways I was not expecting. Yes, it hurt. I had the typical sunburn, sweat, blood, bruises, blisters and tears of the other national runners. However, I also faced so many mental demons I wasn’t prepared for. I have never felt so lonely, so abandoned, so humiliated, so defeated. I made it through the week but it took me well over 8 months to be able to put a pair of sneakers on again without feeling some sort of anxiety and sadness. Even now, when I think about my experience, I often get tears in my eyes.

It really put into perspective what the victims that we run for must feel. 

In 2023, I returned to the 777 Marathon. I raised more money than I had in 2021, and in turn, more awareness. I completed each day in a consistent, admirable time. I made life-long friends turned family in the lead up and then again during the event. And I inspired many of my friends and family to start their running journey. I enjoyed every part of the experience, and before the week was over, we were already brainstorming ideas for 2024. Somewhere along the way, I learned to adore running.

I am vice-captain of my AFL team, I work for a law enforcement agency, which swears to serve and protect and I am a big sister of two little boys who are growing much too quickly. And I believe wholeheartedly that these little people deserve to grow up in a world where their only concern should be how they spend their pocket money at the school canteen.

2024 will be an ultra-special journey for me as I have convinced my mum to partake in the event. She has been one of my biggest supporters in life, and has been much loved by the Bravehearts family since 2021. I am already so incredibly proud of her, and cannot wait to have her join the Bravehearts Hall of 777 Legends.

Thank you so much for being a part of our journey. We will be the ones in pink.

Kirrily Sartore
Australian Capital Territory

My name is Kirrily and I am the mother of a beautiful 15 year old daughter, partner to an amazing man Ross (also completing Bravehearts 777 for his sixth time), a Defence Veteran and now Public Servant working for Defence. I grew up in a very loving and caring family and am lucky enough to still be surrounded by those very special people. 

Whilst I have always been physically active, I have only fairly recently understood the joys and challenges that running can bring. I have partipated in a number of road and trail running events including local and interstate half marathons. I have also completed a number of 'ultra' running events through the trails of the ACT and NSW. Although the feeling of crossing the finish line each time can be amazingly rewarding, it is nothing compared to the thought of helping those that are, or have been, far less fortunate than myself and my family. 

This will be my fourth year of raising funds and awareness for this very worthy cause, Bravehearts.

Please help me in educating and empowering others so we can minimise the risk of harm to children and make Australia the safest place in the world to raise a child.

Laura Firth
Western Australia

My name is Laura. I'm a wife, a mother, a runner, a personal trainer and I am a survivor! I don’t share my story much, but child sexual assault is something that is generally hard for people to talk about I want to do everything I can to make sure that this crime is not swept under the rug. I want people to stand up, be aware, be educated, and all work together to protect children.

After being removed from my birth home at the age of 4 I was placed into foster homes until the age of 9. To say I had a rough start could be an understatement. At 9 I was adopted. My family are what saved me. They showed me love, gave me strength and provided me with safety. Something all children need. But I'm not running the 777 for me. I'm running the 777 for all the children out there who need someone to be there love, strength and safety. I'm running it so that adults will take notice of this crime, and do what they can to ensure they are educated. I'm asking you to help me do this. To help make Australia the safest place in the world to raise a child. To do your bit to ensure that children are protected from child sexual assault.

To know that 1 in 4 children will be sexually harmed in some way  before the age of 18 is mind-blowingly sad. To know that there is something I can do to help - something YOU can do to help, well that’s a gift.

Mark Upton
New South Wales

Mark Upton, 43 years old. I graduated from The Southport School (TSS) Gold Coast 1996. Now Living in the seaside town of Wollongong NSW.

Married to Michelle and have 3 amazing children, Harrison, Grace and William.

Love pushing the boundaries to what we can achieve including Marathons, short and long-distance Triathlons and currently 3 Ironman Triathlon events. As with Uppy Snr (Dad) I’ve been in hospitality all my life.

My first Ironman event was lucky enough to race it with Uppy Snr in Port Macquarie in 2016. My children motivate me every day to show them how to push the limits in sport and my amazing wife Michelle, supports me in these crazy hobbies.

The opportunity to participate in Bravehearts 777 with Brian (Uppy Snr) and represent Bravehearts on educating the community on a world free and prevention of child sex abuse is an honour and privilege.


Melissa Elphinstone

As a proud mother of three young adults and a very proud nanna (aka nan nan!) their safety and opportunity to flourish in this world has always been, and will continue to be, my priority. However, 1 in 4 children do not have this opportunity, nor do they feel they have a voice or feel safe. I believe that WE are the voice of these children and to be part of the Braveheart 777 National Team, taking up this challenge demonstrates my commitment to make a difference, raise awareness and to protect our children from harm. Yes, I will be running 777, however spreading the word of the amazing work of Bravehearts, is my main drive.  

This will be my fifth year participating in Bravehearts 777, and again, I am just so excited in continuing to spread awareness and join forces with an amazing group of passionate and like-minded people. I am an extremely motivated and passionate person and Assistant Principal, at a local primary school, who believes that you can do anything you set your mind to, as life is too short to hold regrets. Running for me is not about winning the race, it’s about personal achievement, friendships, role modelling and helping others achieve their own personal goals. 

I believe that we can join together and make a difference for our children, and Bravehearts 777, is the perfect space to do this. It’s all about keeping our children safe.

Michael OBrien
Australian Capital Territory

Hello, my name is Michael, I started running in November 2022. I quickly discovered I enjoyed how running made me feel and the sense of achievement I got out of it. Early on in the piece, I set myself a goal of starting my 30th Birthday (March 2, 2023) by running a marathon. 

There wasn’t one scheduled in Canberra that morning, I wasn’t going to let that, or anything else, stop me. Getting up at 4am, throwing the runners on, doing a few stretches later I was off and running around my beautiful city. 

Did it all go exactly to plan? Absolutely not. Did I have the worlds best plan? Absolutely not. Did it teach me a lot? You betcha! Kind of sounds like life right?

I immediately caught the bug of loving distance running, and set my sights on the Canberra Marathon. A very long story short, I went on to find an amazing set of running coaches, a dedicated running group, and I have completed 9 marathons this year. Looking to build to even bigger heights in 2024.

I’m excited to be representing the ACT and taking part in the 2024 Bravehearts' 777 Marathon. This will involve running 7 marathons, in 7 days across 7 different states and territories.

The marathon schedule will begin on the 1st of July 2024 and be in the following order: Perth · Adelaide · Melbourne · Launceston · Sydney · Canberra · Gold Coast. 295km of running in 7 days, oh boy HOW EXCITING!

Bravehearts holds a special place in my heart. I am here to do my best to help enact positive change. My goal is to raise $11,000 for Bravehearts, which will directly fund personal safety education, counselling and assistance, child protection training and guidance, as well as research and reform.

I'm extremely grateful to anyone who can contribute by donating.

Michael Pengue
New South Wales

Hi everyone! My name is Michael, I’m 30 years old from Sydney, NSW.  When you don’t find me battling Sydney traffic, you will usually find me running along The Grand Parade of Brighton Le-Sands!

Currently I am on a run streak (still the early days) and I’m also a father, finance, boxing trainer, former Professional Boxer and qualified carpenter.  Running has always been a part of my life from little athletics, through to my first City2Surf in 2007 and into my roadwork for boxing matches.

After 12 years competing as a boxer, once I hung up the gloves, I was eager to find the next thing that would push me to my limits and find the best version of myself.

I found the 777 Marathon back in July and thought “ok this is it!”.  At first, for me it was all about the challenge, I knew that to run a full marathon would be a massive achievement in itself.  So, to run 7 in a week ticked the boxes!  I knew this would take me well and truly out of my comfort zone both mentally and physically.

 As I look more into the event and learnt about the amazing and important work that Bravehearts does, It becomes so much more than taking on physical challenge for myself.  Once I was made aware of the statistics and just how prevalent child sexual abuse in Australia is, I knew this was something the world needs to be more aware of and I want to do what I can to help raise that awareness.

 I’m absolutely stoked to be a part of the National Runners for the 2024 edition of the 777 Marathon!  I can’t wait to meet some amazing humans and raise money and awareness for Bravehearts.

Peter Mahoney

My Name is Peter Mahoney and I’m 63 years old. Many times I tried to begin this. The secret carried since childhood drives me now. My father was a very violent abusive alcoholic, along with the violence shared by my mother and siblings, unfortunately for me there was more. I’m stating this not for sympathy it’s just the facts and leads into why I’m so very keen to support Bravehearts.  I was so very lucky to have an amazingly strong loving mum who got us kids through those years but the there was no support, no one outside our home knew. That’s why the school programs delivered by Bravehearts to me are so very important. If kids can be shown its ok to speak to empower them not to be victims we can change the futures of not only the kids, but entire families. Again this is not about sympathy or looking back. 

I’m the luckiest man in the world, I know too many here in Ballarat who couldn’t carry the burden and taken their own lives but here I am having been father and then a single dad to five kids since they were aged 11 to 17, two boys and three girls. Now my youngest is 31yr and I have 12 magnificent grandchildren. 

They are proud that I’m doing the 777 again and so yes I can run, that’s the easy part. The hard part is asking for financial support. There is so many worthy causes out there, you can’t get behind all of them. I very much understand that and only ask for your consideration here to help me get behind Bravehearts and help protect the most precious in our community, the kids.
So when people ask me why, my answer is quite simple. If we can help even one child it’s all been so worth it.

Robert Goodall
New South Wales

Hi, I’m Rob, but you can call me Wobbly bob, if you’re reading this, then you’ve probably realised that my idiot gene has kicked in and I’ve signed up for the Bravehearts 777 Marathon Challenge - 7 Marathons in 7 States in 7 Days!

I’m takin part to raise funds for Bravehearts, an incredible charity dedicated to protecting children and supporting survivors of child sexual abuse.

Child sexual abuse is a heartbreaking reality, working in law enforcement I am only too aware of the devastation it causes to children, their families and the wider community. Bravehearts is on the front line, working to prevent it and provide vital support to survivors. By donating to Bravehearts you help by:

·       Protecting Children: Bravehearts work tirelessly to educate communities, train professionals, and deliver personal safety programs to children and young people. Your donation helps them reach more schools, community groups, and families, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to protect our children.

·       Supporting Survivors: Bravehearts provides specialised counselling and support services to those affected by child sexual abuse. Every dollar you contribute allows them to offer these critical services to more survivors, helping them heal and reclaim their lives.

·       Advocacy and Research: Bravehearts advocate for stronger laws, policies, and systems to protect children from sexual harm. Their research initiatives contribute to better understanding and prevention of child abuse. Your support empowers them to continue their vital advocacy work and research.

·       Breaking the Silence: By donating to Bravehearts, you join a community of changemakers who believe in a world free from child sexual abuse. Together, we can raise awareness, break the silence, and foster a culture of prevention and support.

A little about me, I’m 48, originally from the UK, before moving to Western Australia in 2013. I’m currently living in NSW for a couple years with my wife Lucy, and our dog Boddingtons.  

I was never a runner as kid, and didn't take it up until my mid-30s in attempt to keep weight off. I kind of got addicted with the challenge of proving to myself that I could complete a 5km, then 10k, then a half marathon which eventually snowballed into a full in my first year of running. 

Over the last few years, life has got in the way and running has very much taken a back seat. The weight has gone back on, and my mental health has taken a battering, it's time for that to change!

As well as raising much needed funds and awareness, I’m takin on this challenge to prove to myself and to you, that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

Thank you for being part of the journey.

Robina Juanir

I’m Robina Juanir, originally from the Philippines, and I now work as an early childhood educator at Discovery Early Learning Centre in Tasmania where I dedicate myself to creating safe, nurturing environments for children. Protecting children’s well-being isn’t just part of my job—it’s a personal passion. I’m proud to work in a service that shares my values and is deeply committed to child safety and protection.

My running journey began in 2023 with Parkrun, and since then, I’ve pushed myself to new limits, completing both marathon and ultra-marathon of 103km. Now, I’m taking on the biggest challenge of my life: from 30th June to 6th July 2025, I’ll be running seven marathons in seven days across seven states. This journey will be tough, both physically and mentally, But as grueling as it may be, it’s nothing compared to the pain experienced by victims of child abuse. That pain lingers for a lifetime, leaving scars that never fully heal.

Growing up in the Philippines, I witnessed the harsh reality of abuse, and I vowed to myself that one day, I would make a difference. When I moved to Australia, I naively believed that child sexual abuse wouldn’t be as common, but the reality was shocking. It’s often in the news and it made me think about all the children who suffer in silence, whose stories go unheard. The reality is heartbreaking: more than 1 in 4 Australians have experienced child sexual abuse.

That’s why I’m running for Bravehearts, an organization dedicated to preventing child sexual abuse and supporting survivors. They provide crucial education, advocacy, and support services to help children and families heal. Through this marathon, I aim to raise awareness and funds for their life-changing work.

This isn’t just a personal challenge for me—I’m running on behalf of Discovery Early Learning Centre and every child who has been affected by abuse. Every day, I see the beauty and innocence in children, and I believe with all my heart that they deserve to grow up in safe, loving environments, free from fear. I hope my participation in this marathon can contribute to the larger goal of ending child abuse in Australia.

Every donation—big or small—brings us closer to a future where all children can grow up free from harm. Please consider supporting this important cause and sharing it with others. 

Help me reach my fundraising goal of $11,000, and together, we can make a lasting impact and create a safer world for children.

Ross Scott
Australian Capital Territory 

Who am I – My name is Ross Scott. I am a loving partner, devoted father, a Defence veteran, and now a contractor to Defence and an avid runner.  

I have been extremely lucky to have had a humble and loving upbringing in rural Victoria where I felt safe. My partner Kirrily and I have a beautiful, fun loving, confident 13 year old daughter. The thought of her being anything other than safe and well, terrifies me. 

And why am I doing this – Those who know me know that I enjoy running. I’m certainly not fast but I love the crunch of gravel under my feet exploring the many trails in and around Canberra. I’ve completed many running events including some ultramarathons. Whilst all of these runs have been challenging in their own way I’ve completed them to achieve personal goals and for my own satisfaction.  

I am a quiet Australian, one of many who live life going about my own business trying to do the best I can in society. When I heard about Bravehearts and the incredible work they do, it was a revelation, a moment in time when I knew I could be doing more for our community and the vulnerable children within it. This was an opportunity to link my running to a cause and hopefully inspire others to take part. This will be my fourth year of raising funds for Bravehearts. I did the virtual event in 2020, the QLD Edition in 2021, I was struck down with COVID 19 on the eve of the 2022 event but managed to do the Canberra and Gold Coast legs, and hopefully I’ll complete the National event in 2023. By taking on this challenge I hope to raise awareness and funds to protect our children from sexual assault and exploitation. 

Ryan Govier
Western Australia 

Running 7 marathons in 7 states in 7 days is a personal challenge that merges my passion for running with a cause I deeply believe in: supporting Bravehearts,

As an avid runner, I’ve always been drawn to the sport’s power to test limits and build resilience. This journey is a testament to my love for running and my desire to channel that energy into making a tangible difference.

My dedication to running is rooted in its transformative impact on my own life, providing me with clarity, strength, and a sense of achievement. I want to harness this passion to support Bravehearts, whose work is essential in helping survivors heal and reclaim their lives. Each marathon I complete will be a symbol of the endurance and perseverance that survivors demonstrate daily. By pushing my limits, I aim to raise both awareness and funds for Bravehearts, ensuring they can continue their crucial work. This challenge is not just a personal milestone but a commitment to supporting a cause that changes lives. I also want to do this to make my own baby daughter, plus our soon to be arriving second child proud of their dad.

Steve Onorato
Australian Capital Territory 

I’m Steve and I’ve always been a runner, but up until I was about 30 I never thought about running more than 10km. That was until my love for Obstacle Course Racing sparked an interest in endurance running. This led to my hunt for a local half marathon, which was done in July 2019 at a little event called the Canberra Bravehearts 777. From that cold and wet morning a new thirst for longer and harder events started and I’ve since run multiple 50 & 100km events and my first 100 miler event. I’ve been lucky to run around the world, including races in Rotorua, NZ, Petra in Jordan and around the Giza Pyramids in Egypt – all whilst wearing my stylish running jean shorts/jorts.

I got into the Bravehearts 777 after working in law enforcement for about 14 years. Protecting the community and in particular the most vulnerable parts of the community has always been a passion of mine. Seeing first-hand the positive impact that Bravehearts has had to protect children from sexual abuse and educate the community about resources available is a driving force in why I’m committed to running 7 Marathons in 7 Days across Australia.

Hearing that 1 in 4 Australians are affected by child sexual abuse is a shocking statistic that I am compelled to change and I am seeking your help and assistance to help raise money for Bravehearts so they can continue to empower and protect Australian children.

Please help through donations, sharing this around, coming along to the state based events and following me as I bring my bright colours and jorts around the country to make all children feel safe in Australia.