Claude 'the mowerman' Harvey

Raised so far


Our goal


I am a passionate Gold Coast charity campaigner.  Over the past 13 years my lawnmower and I have become regular fixtures on the city streets, trekking all over Australian states.

I was born in Kempsey, NSW in 1945.  I became an active and dedicated Bravehearts volunteer after watching footage on the news of a paedophile being arrested for sexually assaulting a child. Having seen this I thought, “We all would like to hurt the perpetrator, but how many of us would think to help the victim?”.

Further motivation came when two family friends disclosed that they had been sexually assaulted and were too frightened to speak out.

From that day, I vowed to do everything possible to ‘make a difference in the lives of child sexual assault survivors’ – and that is exactly what I have done.

Bravehearts is a great organisation and for more than a decade I have rolled my well-worn mower around the streets, pubs, beaches and tourist strips of the Gold Coast.

In 2008, I capitalised on growing popularity by completing a four week walk from the Gold Coast to Sydney, collecting donations along the way.

My reason for such extraordinary endeavours is simple: I want all Australians, in every town and village, to be aware of child sexual assault, and to ensure the many victims of child sexual assault (1 in 5 children before their 18th birthday) are believed and supported.


A big thank you to our Supporters

The real heroes who are kindly helping us achieve our goal

Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey



Well done mate…


Dominic Greenwood

In ya mate


Bonnie Lee


Loopy Kiddle

Your amazing


Razan Zein

Thank you for doing it !




Kelly Young

Thanks for your dedication




David Taylor


Rachael Sarson

Well done




Heath Brown


Katherine Battersby


G Brooks




Alicia Wilkins


Kylie Johnson


Charli Monschau


Rhiannon Farmer


Lauren Wood

Nice to see you Claude


Jayme Emmerson

Thanks for your kindness!


Anita Ohalloran

Best of luck 🫶




Paul Miller


Debbie Emmerson


Kellie Bowser

Your a legend !!!


Amber Johnson


Vicki Guy




Naomi Apanui


Jamie Ford

Keep doing what you are doing!


Medical Billing Experts

You are an inspiration.


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Hannah Bennett's


Matt Isaac


Vernessa Cook







Good work pushing that lawn mower around big fella 👍🏽




Kaye Thompson


Allan Richardson


Rebecca Grant


Danielle O’farrell


Leigh Healey


Paris Owen


Sophia Robertson


Cassie Thompson

World needs more people like you, Cassie, Griffith NSW


Carlie Gray

Keep up the great work, champion!


Olivia Brasington



Keep it up!!


Belinda Ashlin

God bless…




Debra Byrne

Well done


Zoe Tierney


Lilly Smith


Wesley Greig


Felicity Nolan


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Tracey Lee


Louise Gillogly


Laura Anderson

Thank you for all you’re doing. You are an inspiration and the kids you’re supporting are blessed to have your support.


Nicole Widdison


Naomi Kinsela


Carla Lane


Candice Gregory


Shaun Butler



Claude Harvey promoting good will and making awareness to our children.


David Osmond


Beau Bevs


Abbey Wright


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Chelsea Potter


Jennifer Quinlin




Aldi Petriaton

Keep healthy and safe


Steve Prosser

Great effort and a good cause Claude!


Shannai Clissold


Samantha Fisher


Nicole Hill


Wendy Clark
