Claude 'the mowerman' Harvey

Raised so far


Our goal


I am a passionate Gold Coast charity campaigner.  Over the past 13 years my lawnmower and I have become regular fixtures on the city streets, trekking all over Australian states.

I was born in Kempsey, NSW in 1945.  I became an active and dedicated Bravehearts volunteer after watching footage on the news of a paedophile being arrested for sexually assaulting a child. Having seen this I thought, “We all would like to hurt the perpetrator, but how many of us would think to help the victim?”.

Further motivation came when two family friends disclosed that they had been sexually assaulted and were too frightened to speak out.

From that day, I vowed to do everything possible to ‘make a difference in the lives of child sexual assault survivors’ – and that is exactly what I have done.

Bravehearts is a great organisation and for more than a decade I have rolled my well-worn mower around the streets, pubs, beaches and tourist strips of the Gold Coast.

In 2008, I capitalised on growing popularity by completing a four week walk from the Gold Coast to Sydney, collecting donations along the way.

My reason for such extraordinary endeavours is simple: I want all Australians, in every town and village, to be aware of child sexual assault, and to ensure the many victims of child sexual assault (1 in 5 children before their 18th birthday) are believed and supported.


A big thank you to our Supporters

The real heroes who are kindly helping us achieve our goal


Thank you and good work


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Rochelle Jenkin


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Claude Harvey


Pat Bransden



A great cause. Well done


Julianne Nykiel


Amber Morrissey


Suzette Waldock


Ross Gonano


Thomas Clifford


Shez French

Amazing stuff


Rachel Skelton

Great work


Ebony Richards


Tarin Brown

Keep up your fabulous efforts, you are an angel!


Anthony Urrego


Hannah Newble


Ellie Mann


Elissa Mcphee


Claude Harvey



Every journey begins with a single step… keep taking those steps!


Lisa Baker


Gem Ryan


Rachel Fletcher

Nice to meet you today, you’re an amazing person, congratulations on all your work over the years.



Thank you for all your hard work x


Kathryn Bennett

Thanks you for your efforts Claude


Krissy Toimata

Thank you for your dedication and passion for such a great cause


Jimi And Nathalie Pene

Bless you


Madeleine Lay


Suzie Bell



Thank you for all your important work Claude 🩵


Emma Henderson



Keep doing what your doing god bless you.


Gabby Mvintosh


Skye Lance




Evan Morgan

Everybody is responsible


Dawn Edwards


Charlie Boast



Lydia Farrar


Annalyse Bonnard

Amazing work!




Brian Carr

Well Done Harvey met you at burleigh heads you are doing an incredible job!!


Leonie Smith

Well done you are amazing






Mitchell Roberts

Thanks for your hard work mate! You're a legend!



Incredible work by an incredible man I met today. I’m only sorry we can’t donate more. We are so proud of you and I am so sorry for what occurred that lead you to begin this courageous journey.


Jade Olivier

no excuses


Morgan Magorimbo


Eliza Anderson

Good on ya Claud


Jordan Gilmour


Owen Walker


Raksha Kumar



Jacob Ritchie


Taylah Coughlan

I love you! You are amazing


Cameron King

The mower man brought me here


Natalie Kelly


Kimberly Goodman


Francis And Christine

Amazing work, keep it up!!





Such a wonderful job you are doing of brining awareness to such a cause x





Thank you for your amazing effort for a great cause.




Sam Wallace


Kelsea Skaines

to the moon



So inspiring!!!! What a legend!!!


Bella Burton


Lila Falchetti


Crystal Horwood

All the best


Sonja Maxwell Maxwell


Zoe Daemar


Mandy Ziegler

Thank you for all the hard work you do for this hugely important cause. Lots of love!


Lucinda Crowhurst


Alex Bissiots

Thank you for your hard work Claude! I really enjoyed chatting to you yesterday and think what you’re doing is brilliant. :-)



All the best!! Well done on your efforts to date.


Rina Hepworth

You are amazing!




Tanya Dejager

You are amazing ing


Eszter Vig

You’re awesome!


Janelle Saler


Sandie Fairley


Charlie Martin


Renée Friend




Ellyse Wood


Mark Stanton


Shelby Farrell


Maddie Bond

Amazing stuff


Mandy Ruthven


Jasveer Dhaliwal


Maria Edwards


Scott Brodie


Tracey-lee Davies


Claude Harvey
